20 Jun

State laws play a pivotal role in shaping the framework for drug testing programs in the workplace. By comprehending the complexity of your state's laws, you can strike the right balance between maintaining a drug-free environment and respecting the rights of your employees.

Following is the general overview of state drug testing laws:

Legal Basis

The legality of drug testing in the workplace is typically based on federal and state laws. Federal laws, such as the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988, apply to certain employers who receive federal grants or contracts.

Testing Methods

State laws specify the permissible drug testing methods, such as urine, hair, or breathe alcohol tests, and the requirement of SAMHSA certification labs. Read more: Why SAMHSA-Certified Lab?

Permissible Circumstances

States often outline the circumstances under which drug testing is allowed, such as pre-employment screening, reasonable suspicion, post-accident testing, or random testing.

Medical Marijuana

Some states have enacted laws to protect employees who use medical marijuana. These laws may prohibit employers from taking adverse employment actions based solely on a positive drug test for marijuana, as long as the individual is a qualified medical marijuana patient.  Learn more about Marijuana’s Legalization.

Consequences of Positive Tests

State laws often outline the potential consequences for employees who test positive for drugs, such as disciplinary actions, rehabilitation programs, or termination of employment.

Remember, this is just a general overview, and the specific drug testing laws can vary significantly from state to state. It's crucial to consult the laws of your state and seek legal advice for to remain up-to-date.

Contact Us:

goMDnow is a trusted name in the field of drug and alcohol testing, offering top-notch drug testing services. Whether you require comprehensive drug testing solutions or assistance with policy development, we have got you covered. Call us at 980-202-1466 for more information.

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